Sola recently released a video in which I explore the surprising good news of God's incomprehensibility. In the video, I talk about how we aren't able to wrap our limited minds around our infinite God—though, in our sin, we often try anyway to control him or shrink him down to size. [...]

Brannon Ellis
Friday, February 28th 2025

Of all the requests a human has made of God, none has been more audacious than the plea of Moses to see God’s glory (Exod. 33:18). The reply he received was as strange as the request was bold. The Lord promised instead to reveal his goodness to Moses, but warned him [...]

Amy Mantravadi
Tuesday, February 25th 2025

Time, a lilting sea, does lathe,
And casts off dross and hewn,
The rocks and hills of substance raze,
Batters, but not for ruin [...]

Isaac Fox
Tuesday, February 18th 2025

Otto von Bismarck said that a wise man learns from the mistakes of others. This is a task in which books are often invaluable guides. Machen’s Hope: The Transformation of a Modernist in the New Princeton exemplifies this principle, offering readers the chance to learn, in just under 600 pages, lessons that took J. Gresham Machen a lifetime to understand. [...]

Jacob Ogan
Thursday, February 13th 2025
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Picture of J. Ligon Duncan, IIIJ. Ligon Duncan, IIISenior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
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