The relationship between church and state has generated questions from the start. Although the basic biblical principles seem straightforward, their applications to specific situations have frequently been muddled and perplexing. [...]

Simonetta Carr
Thursday, September 5th 2024

In 1629 and 1630, Maximus of Gallipoli sat in a room in the Dutch embassy in Constantinople (today, Istanbul). A learned monk ordained as a priest in the Greek Orthodox Church, he spent his days in the ambassador’s residence overlooking the Golden Horn on the Bosporus Strait, laboring on the first ever translation of the New Testament into the Greek vernacular. [...]

Zachary Purvis
Tuesday, September 3rd 2024

Jesus summarized the law as devotion to God above all and to our neighbors as ourselves (Matt. 22:34–40). Although some neighbors are naturally closer than others, God makes it plain that we should consider every human being as worthy of our neighborly love. [...]

Brannon Ellis
Sunday, September 1st 2024

On December 11, 1516, George Spalatin, secretary to Elector Frederick of Saxony, wrote a letter to Erasmus. Spalatin had been asked to pass on a statement from his friend, “an Augustinian priest, not less famous for the sanctity of his life than for his theological erudition.” [...]

Amy Mantravadi
Thursday, August 29th 2024
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Picture of J. Ligon Duncan, IIIJ. Ligon Duncan, IIISenior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
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