Diversity in the American Church

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"Reconciliation Blues: A Black Evangelical's Inside View of White Christianity" by Edward Gilbreath
Reconciliation Blues is an autobiographical look into the state of racial reconciliation in American Christianity. For over a decade, journalist Edward Gilbreath interviewed many of the key leaders in racial reconciliation. In his latest book he turns the art of interviewing upon himself. The outcome is a compelling personal look at the way evangelicals thoughtlessly […]

Nearly 150 years after the emancipation of Southern slaves and just 50 years after the beginning of the Civil Rights era, race still captures our attention: in the summer of 2007, the case of the so-called “Jena Six” in an old battleground-Selma, Alabama-was played out in the blogosphere, newspaper headlines, and nightly news. Such “old” […]

When Protestants encounter the words “catholic church,” they usually think of a prominent branch of Christendom. When we confess, however, in the words of the Apostles’ and Nicene creeds that we believe in “one holy, catholic, and apostolic church,” we are one with Christians in all times and places in acknowledging an elect communion in […]

Although the events described in this 1992 reprint of Michael Horton’s article took place over 15 years ago, the core issues remain pertinent to us today and God’s grace is still the answer. The far-right National Front of Jean-Marie Le Pen humiliated the reigning Socialist Party of Francois Mitterand last spring, even though Le Pen […]