Steven M. Baugh

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In my previous article (January/February 2022), I made the case that in Hebrews 12:14, the “holiness” required to see God does not refer to our personal sanctification or holiness, but to the consecration obtained by faith in Christ’s substitutionary sacrifice. The point of that discussion, as well as this one, is to illustrate how one […]

Steven M. Baugh
Tuesday, March 1st 2022

The Protestant Reformation is justifiably known for recovering the biblical doctrine of justification by faith alone in Christ alone. But one further benefit of this movement was the translation of the Bible into contemporary languages making it accessible to all. We may perhaps take it for granted that we have several outstanding English versions today, […]

Steven M. Baugh
Saturday, January 1st 2022

Michael S. Horton joined fellow White Horse Inn co-host Kim Riddlebarger, Steve M. Baugh, and Dennis E. Johnson in a roundtable discussion on the book of Revelation. Dr. Kim Riddlebarger is pastor of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim and the author of A Case for Amillennialism: Understanding the End Times (Baker, 2003) and Man of […]

Michael S. Horton
Kim Riddlebarger
Tuesday, November 1st 2011

Hermeneutics, or the theory of textual interpretation, is one of the hot topics in New Testament studies today. Many are puzzled over the whole matter, for it is finally recognized that one's hermeneutical approach has a significant effect upon the results of one's interpretive conclusions. A generation ago, Cornelius van Til explained this repeatedly: there […]

Steven M. Baugh
Friday, August 24th 2007

I'm not wont to read letters to editors. Time, I suppose, or a perceived lack thereof. Or perhaps it's outrage. All the posturing and petty outrage of our age shows up there. But I did read one letter in a religious periodical recently. It was from a science department chairman in a Christian college whom […]

Steven M. Baugh
Wednesday, August 8th 2007

G. K. Chesterton expressed the opinion of many when he wrote: "Though St. John the Evangelist saw many strange monsters in his vision, he saw no creature so wild as one of his own commentators." Too true too often. One antidote, however, would be a judicious, scholarly commentary based on the Apocalypse's Greek text. It […]

Steven M. Baugh
Tuesday, June 12th 2007

Understanding Covenant Theology Let me make a bold assertion about Covenant theology: It is not incidental to Reformed theology-it is Reformed theology. In the United States, the debate with Dispensationalism in the twentieth century led many to define Covenant theology more narrowly as "Not-Dispensationalism." Consequently, Covenant theology's scope for many was narrowed to the relation […]

Steven M. Baugh
Saturday, July 1st 2000

The doctrine of predestination has fallen on hard times. Not that it was ever very popular. Given today's theological climate, most Christians probably think that predestination-to the extent that they think about it at all-is an abstract, philosophical notion invented by a few cranks in the past. (1) In reality, though, most of the famous […]

Steven M. Baugh
Monday, November 2nd 1998

“Modern Reformation has championed confessional Reformation theology in an anti-confessional and anti-theological age.”

Picture of J. Ligon Duncan, IIIJ. Ligon Duncan, IIISenior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
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