Love of the tender virgin mother,
Be Thou the love of all my heart.
Came as a babe to be my brother,
Pay for my sin, and heav’n impart.
Love of the tender virgin mother,
Be Thou the love of all my heart.
Lord of the Eastern kings who found Thee,
Be Thou the Lord for whom I live.
Though in a manger, I would crown Thee,
Own Thee as King, and for Thee live.
Lord of the Eastern kings who found Thee,
Be Thou the Lord for whom I live.
Hope of the shepherds poor and fearful,
Be Thou my hope when fears abound.
Shepherd Thy sheep, though lost and tearful,
‘til by Thy voice the lost are found.
Hope of the humble shepherds fearful,
Be Thou my hope when fears abound.
Theme of the angel’s midnight chorus,
Be Thou my theme through all my days.
Eternal God, incarnate for us,
Well Thou deservest all the praise.
Theme of the angel’s midnight chorus,
Be Thou my theme through all my days.