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Book Review

The New Apostolic Reformation: A Brief Bibliography

Evan P. Pietsch
R. Vivian Pietsch
Friday, May 31st 2024
A stack of books with a blue canvas texture and the word "bibliography."
May/Jun 2024

In our essay in this issue (see “The Framing of a Movement” on page 32), we provided a broad framework for identifying and evaluating the New Apostolic Reformation. The following resources will be helpful if you desire to learn more about how the movement understands itself and how to understand it from a truly biblical perspective.

New Apostolic Reformation Proponents:

This Changes Everything: How God Can Transform Your Mind and Change Your Life

by C. Peter Wagner

Chosen Books | 2013 | 232 pages (softcover) | $9.93

Wagner describes his personal journey of theological and ecclesiological transformation, from his interpretation of a Reformed perspective to a charismatic and open theist view. The main argument of the book is that the church needs to embrace the New Apostolic Reformation and its beliefs on apostolic leadership, spiritual gifts, signs and wonders, and church planting. The book “overlooks denominational barriers, asking one and all to join together for the ultimate fulfillment of God’s purposes!” See also Changing Church.

Dominion!: Your Role in Bringing Heaven to Earth

by C. Peter Wagner

Destiny Image | 2022 | 232 pages (softcover) | $19.99

Wagner explores dominionism and open theism in the exercise of God’s authority and power in achieving his will through the church. Wagner argues that God has given the church a mandate to engage in dominion to extend his kingdom in all seven spheres of society (religion, family, education, government, media, arts, and business). The mandate to invade Babylon and bring heaven to earth is accomplished through prayer, prophecy, spiritual mapping, and social action. See also On Earth as It Is in Heaven.

Modern-Day Apostles: Operating in Your Apostolic Office and Anointing

by Ché Ahn

Destiny Image | 2019 | 208 pages (softcover) | $18.55

Ahn expresses the NAR belief of the continuation of the apostolic office and urges readers to not only see their apostolic function but also fully embrace the apostolic anointing of all Christians. The book calls for all believers to adopt the apostolic role in bringing God’s kingdom to earth and establishing God’s church. The NAR belief that apostles must bring revival and reformation to society by the seven mountains is a departure from the historical understanding of the original apostles commissioned by Christ alone.

The Eternal Church: A Prophetic Look at the Church; Her History, Restoration, and Destiny

by Bill Hamon

Destiny Image | 2005 | 384 pages (softcover) | $19.99

Hamon’s vision of the prophetic-apostolic movement forms the backdrop of the book as he shares the history of the church from the New Testament to the Middle Ages and from the Protestant Reformation to the time of writing in 2005. The book seeks to offer a framework for understanding the “experiential truths” restored to the twenty-first-century church, calling its readers to partake in the prophetic-apostolic restoration movement.

The Reformer’s Pledge

compiled by Ché Ahn

Destiny Image | 2013 | 256 pages (softcover) | $18.99

The Reformers Pledge is a collection of essays from authors within the NAR sharing how they pledge to be reformers to fulfill the Great Commission through the seven-mountain mandate, prayer, holiness, and spiritual warfare. The book is a look into the beliefs and paradigms of the NAR that deviate from historical and orthodox Christianity.

Invading Babylon: The 7 Mountain Mandate

by Lance Wallnau and Bill Johnson

Destiny Image | 2013 | 164 pages (softcover) | $14.99

Wallnau and Johnson provide a guide for those in the NAR who want to transform the culture around them, Babylon, which must be invaded. The book explains the concept of the seven mountains of influence and how to incorporate them into the kingdom of God. The book provides examples of how the NAR calls for advancing the gospel in every sphere of society.

New Apostolic Reformation Critics:

A New Apostolic Reformation?: A Biblical Response to a Worldwide Movement

by R. Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec

Lexham Press | 2018 | 272 pages (softcover) | $19.99

Pivec and Geivett argue that the theology of the NAR deviates from historical orthodox practices of the church revealed in Scripture. They contend that the NAR movement departs from classical Pentecostal and charismatic teachings. The book offers a critique of those who call themselves prophets and apostles and who lead the movement through signs and wonders. The authors affirm the proper place of divinely wrought signs and wonders in addition to the gift of prophecy in our day while exposing questionable practices and flawed theology found within the NAR.

God’s Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement

by R. Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec

Lexham Press | 2018 | 175 pages (softcover) | $19.99

Pivec and Geivett offer a concise overview of key NAR teachings and practices, examining scriptural passages cited by NAR leaders. Biblical interpretation of the texts is presented to provide a helpful explanation of the misleading fallacies of the movement and sound Christian doctrine. This book is easy to read and benefits the church as a tool for understanding the dangers of the practices of the NAR.

The Impact of Open Theism on C. Peter Wagner’s Philosophy of Discipleship

by Evan Phillip Pietsch

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary | 2023 | https://hdl.handle.net/10392/7219

Evan demonstrates that all of Wagner’s works and church growth practices must be evaluated through the theological system of open theism. Wagner’s theological beliefs and practices evolved into a pragmatic means of discipleship, affirming God’s dependency on the prayers of humanity to fulfill the Great Commission. In 2001, Wagner formally adopted open theism and articulated a revised means of discipleship through dominion theology that interprets Scripture through experience and believes that implementing the will of God on earth is the ultimate end of humanity. Wagner affirms an openness paradigm of God throughout his entire career as a missionary, professor, and leader within the NAR.

Utilizing a Reformed Sanctification Framework to Assess and Evaluate C. Peter Wagner’s Doctrine of Sanctification

by Rebecca Vivian Pietsch

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary | 2023 | https://hdl.handle.net/10392/7226

vivian demonstrates that Wagner’s philosophy of discipleship is incongruent with the orthodox doctrine of sanctification and paradigm of discipleship. The “Virtuous Christian Discipleship” (VCD) paradigm is introduced and employed to assess and evaluate Wagner’s doctrine of sanctification, offering a redemptive and confessional framework of discipleship for a biblical perspective on human learning, growth, and development in light of the imago Dei. VCD endeavors to strengthen the church’s commitment to the practice of a biblical model of discipleship.

Photo of Evan P. Pietsch
Evan P. Pietsch
Evan Pietsch (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is a 20-year former member of the NAR. His research specialty is the New Apostolic Reformation and C. Peter Wagner. He is an enterprise business leader, an adjunct instructor of business for Boyce College, and a Garrett Fellow for systematic theology and leadership courses at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has delivered conference sessions on the New Apostolic Reformation for the Society of Professors in Christian Ministry (SPCM) and the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS). He contributed to A Daily Greek Devotional: 365 Devotions on the Greek New Testament (Northeastern Baptist Press, 2023) and has written for Christian Education Journal.
Photo of R. Vivian Pietsch
R. Vivian Pietsch
Vivian Pietsch (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is a 25-year former member of the NAR. Her research specialty is in the New Apostolic Reformation and C. Peter Wagner. She is an enterprise business leader and a Garrett Fellow for discipleship, systematic theology, and leadership courses at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She has delivered conference sessions on the Church Growth and New Apostolic Reformation for the Society of Professors in Christian Ministry (SPCM) and the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS). She contributed to A Daily Greek Devotional: 365 Devotions on the Greek New Testament (Northeastern Baptist Press, 2023) and has written for International Review of Mission, Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, and Christian Education Journal.
Friday, May 31st 2024

“Modern Reformation has championed confessional Reformation theology in an anti-confessional and anti-theological age.”

Picture of J. Ligon Duncan, IIIJ. Ligon Duncan, IIISenior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
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