The Christian movement is a degeneracy movement composed of reject and refuse elements of every kind…. It is therefore not only national, not racially conditioned; it appeals to the disinherited everywhere; it is founded on a rancor against everything well-constituted and domi-nant: it needs a symbol that represents a curse on the well-constituted and dominant-It […]
The book of Job is a catechism on the theology of the cross. Throughout the centuries countless believers, bruised by the rod of suffering, have embarked on a pilgrimage into the heart of this ancient story to inquire, "Why do the innocent suffer?" Many have retreated from the answers sadly disappointed, others passionately frustrated, and […]
Perhaps no traditional Christian doctrine has taken a greater bashing from modern theologians than the assertion that God is “impassible” by nature—that is, that he cannot experience suffering. Such a doctrine sounds to many people today as if God does not care about human life. And in the wake of the terrible persecutions of our […]
Moore College trains a significant number of Australia's evangelical Anglican and Presbyterian ministers. This interview was conducted by Peter Hastie, editor of The Australian Presbyterian. (1) The interview provides some international perspective on current debates about justification. PH: What is the doctrine of justification by faith? PJ: The best place to start in thinking about […]
"Why do I have to suffer, Lord?" No doubt this cry has risen from the depths of your soul. For we have all suffered to one degree or another. But why? Sometimes we suffer because of our sin (Ps. 32:1-5; 38:1-4). Sometimes we suffer in spite of our innocence (Ps. 7:1-9; 44:9-22). But why? Whether […]
Human life entails misery and woe. Broken relationships, agonizing illness, the prospect of one’s own death, depression, injustice and atrocity, quiet yet paralyzing fear, memories of sexual victimization, the death of a child, and many other painful problems leave none unscathed. It would be impossible to minimize the breadth and depth of suffering both in […]
[We want to acknowledge before this review that many readers-and a much larger percentage of evangelicals-view ongoing disputes about the Lord's Supper as divisive, pedantic, and irrelevant. We agree that such disputes (though not necessarily discussions about them aimed at resolution) are indeed often divisive, and they are sometimes pedantic as well. But it is […]