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Are Family Values Enough?

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Most readers of Modern Reformation are well aware of the steady “drift” by evangelical Protestants in this country away from their historical moorings. And, sadly, the widespread doctrinal ignorance within the church today is not the only proof that American evangelicalism has become, for the most part, a ship without a rudder. Despite all the […]

Tim & Beth Brewer
Thursday, March 2nd 1995

The concept of the family is undercut in our society. Individualism and politically correct language have eroded the classic image of the family. While the "image" of the nuclear family is not necessarily biblical, there are forces that seek to destroy the family as an antiquarian relic of the Judeo-Christian legacy. The biblical concept of […]

William VanGemeren
Tuesday, August 14th 2007

Tim LaHaye is the author of The Battle for the Family, The Battle for the Public Schools, How to Be Happy Though Married, Understanding the Male Temperament, The Act of Marriage, and Spirit-Controlled Family Living. Tim and his wife Beverly spend most of their time dealing with family issues through their traveling ministry and radio […]

Tuesday, August 14th 2007

"God has no grandchildren." That statement, attributed to Billy Graham, was a maxim I well remember from my youth. To this day, I have a great appreciation for the Baptist emphasis on the importance of one's personal relationship to God in Christ, and now that I run in predominantly paedobaptist (infant baptism) circles, I see […]

Michael S. Horton
Tuesday, August 14th 2007

Growing up in American fundamentalism, as I did, the very word "catechism" brought to my mind images of the liberalism of mainline Protestant denominations, or some mysterious Roman Catholic ritual that could have no biblical support whatsoever. As a "Bible church" person, I was taught from my earliest youth that "catechism" was at best a […]

Kim Riddlebarger
Tuesday, August 14th 2007

Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, His body, of which He is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything (Eph 5:22-24).When Fergie married […]

Bryan Chapell
Tuesday, August 14th 2007

Rarely has the nation's debate shifted with such breathtaking speed. Polls continue to show a significant shift in concern from fiscal to social deficits. In spite of its economic greatness, America is increasingly embarrassed in the eyes of the world for its social conditions. It is humbling for the world's richest industrial nation to have […]

Don E. Eberly
Tuesday, August 14th 2007

Editor's Note: In reaction to the culture's attacks on the family, some Christians run the risk of romanticizing "the Family." The following is a helpful antidote to "Famiolatry." And so, said the preacher, 'The Home must be the foundation of our national life. It is there, all said and done, that character is formed. It […]

C. S. Lewis
Tuesday, August 14th 2007

“Modern Reformation has championed confessional Reformation theology in an anti-confessional and anti-theological age.”

Picture of J. Ligon Duncan, IIIJ. Ligon Duncan, IIISenior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
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