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Readers familiar with Modern Reformation know that we are a group committed to recovering the essence of the Christian message. That means that what you see and hear from us will usually be in the form of doctrinal discussions, issues, and debates written with the thinking layperson in mind. Nevertheless, there are some practical issues […]

Michael S. Horton
Thursday, July 2nd 1992

In the earlier days of our nation’s history, this dilemma, though always present in theory, was not especially troublesome in practice, since the vast majority of people–the “men on the street”–at least gave lip service to the biblical faith. But now religious and philosophical diversity has reached such a point in the United States that […]

John Warwick Montgomery
Monday, August 27th 2007

An outspoken leader in the European Parliament, Sir Fred is a deeply committed Christian, the son-in-law of the late Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones, and President of the Evangelical Alliance. Modern Reformation: Why is the Reformation faith so important to you in your calling as a political statesman?Sir Catherwood: It makes you realize that the Christian faith […]

Monday, August 27th 2007

This article was previously published in Urban Mission, a publication of Westminster Theological Seminary. Used by permission. Our modern word is a study in socio-economic contrasts. Take South Africa. The average household income in Soweto, a black township on the edge of modern Johannesburg, is estimated to be only a quarter of that of Johannesburg […]

Mark R. Gornik
Monday, August 27th 2007

A few years ago, I had a discussion with U.S. Senate chaplain, Dr. Richard Halverson, and he told me how difficult it is to travel around the world and have other American believers traveling with him express their faith in extremely cultural terms. Living in Washington, he says, "No one actually says it, but it's […]

Michael S. Horton
Monday, August 27th 2007

The command to love our neighbor is also an invitation to engage the mind and heart in a transforming vision of life. In this article I want us to take a look at the Christian's responsibility to develop a Christian mind–not only for their benefit, but for the good of their neighbors. Popular television dramas–in […]

Stephen Monsma
Monday, August 27th 2007

Modern Reformation: What concerns you the most about evangelical action in the abortion debate?Randall Terry: Most evangelicals aren't involved in the process. What they're doing that is a problem is that they are letting the wicked rule. The Bible says in Proverbs 29:2, "When the righteous rule, the people rejoice. When the wicked rule the […]

Monday, August 27th 2007

Everyone loves justice in a crisis. The L.A. riots offered to TV viewers an opportunity to vent their fury at injustice no matter which side they took on the trial. For some, massive looting and arson were hailed as a long-overdue response to an unjust distribution of money and political power. For their law-and-order neighbors, […]

Rick Ritchie
Monday, August 27th 2007

The far-right National Front of Jean-Marie Le Pen humiliated the reigning Socialist Party of Francois Mitterand last Spring, even though Le Pen made breath-taking remarks about the undesirability of foreigners, particularly les noires, the blacks, many of whom come from such former French colonies in Africa as Algeria. Also last Spring, neo-Fascists swept into parliamentary […]

Michael S. Horton
Monday, August 27th 2007

Like a bad dream, the ideology that produced a separation of races in South Africa (i.e., apartheid) won't seem to go away. While advances are made, and the South African situation is much more complicated than the history of African-Americans, there is still a long way to go for a democratic South Africa. Not only […]

Monday, August 27th 2007

“Modern Reformation has championed confessional Reformation theology in an anti-confessional and anti-theological age.”

Picture of J. Ligon Duncan, IIIJ. Ligon Duncan, IIISenior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
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