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Prophecy and the Meaning of History: Why Word and Spirit Matter

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"I believe … in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting." Why are we here? Where are we going? Does history have any point to it, or is it, in the familiar words of Macbeth, "a story told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"? Because God has spoken, the […]

Michael S. Horton
Saturday, September 1st 2001

For we, who are Christians, should hope for the coming of this judgment and desire it with our whole heart; as we pray for it in the words; Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, deliver us from evil; so that we may also hear the glad and welcome words: Come, ye blessed, into the […]

Martin Luther
Wednesday, June 13th 2007

Cessationism is a term that carries a lot of baggage. By itself it's negative, suggesting what no longer exists or, in current debate about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, what one is against. So at the outset, certain misconceptions about the "cessationist" viewpoint need to be addressed. It's not that today God's Spirit is […]

Richard B. Gaffin Jr.
Wednesday, June 13th 2007

Time Line: 172 Montanus496 Hippolytus (c. 200) 800 Beatus of Liebana, John of Modena, et al.1000 Various1260 Spiritual Franciscans1420 Taborites1533 Melchior Hoffman1694 J. H. Alsted1843 William Miller1914 Charles Taze Russell1988 Edgar C. Whisenant1992 Lee Jang Rim 1994 Harold Camping Depending upon the particular eschatological outlook represented, these dates refer to a wide range of consummation […]

Wednesday, June 13th 2007

It is possible to be too spiritual for our own good. Ancient Gnosticism, for instance, has enjoyed a renaissance in American religion and in neo-pagan spirituality. As the 1996 moderator of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly in a speech at the University of Chicago Divinity School, accepting the 1996 Alumnus of the Year award, […]

Peter R. Jones
Wednesday, June 13th 2007

Many Christians assume that only limited sections of the Scriptures contain any reference to "future things." This outlook, in effect, limits eschatology to those issues relating to the timing of the Rapture, to speculation about political events in the Middle East and Israel, as well as to the debate about the nature of Christ's millennial […]

Kim Riddlebarger
Wednesday, June 13th 2007

The term "millennium" has entered Christian speech under the influence of the twentieth chapter of the book of Revelation. From that passage, imperfectly understood, there has also been derived the idea that is connected with this term. We say, from that passage imperfectly understood. For the book of Revelation is a symbolic book; that is […]

B. B. Warfield
Wednesday, June 13th 2007

Horton: Dr. Tim LaHaye is a noted author, minister, educator, and nationally recognized speaker on Bible prophecy. He's the president of Tim LaHaye Ministries, and founder of the Pre-Trib Research Center. He is one of the nation's most popular authors, especially these days, having written more than forty books, and his current fiction works are […]

Wednesday, June 13th 2007

Whatever the differences among people and groups in Evangelicalism, one thing is sure: no matter what it sounds like, the sermon is here to stay. But do we need another book on preaching? There are several on the market. Most pastors have received some homiletical training, and there are many tools to help them to […]

David White
Wednesday, June 13th 2007

This is an extremely important book. It presents a well-developed objection to two decisive turns in evangelical life over the last half century. The objection is almost unanswerable. While Iain Murray is somewhat unfair to a number of outstanding Christian personalities in England, he also forces the reader to decide between two opposing schools of […]

Paul F. M. Zahl
Wednesday, June 13th 2007

With The Oracles of God, Lutheran pastor and professor of Old Testament at Ashland University, Andrew Steinmann, has made a fresh and invaluable contribution to an important and much-debated topic-the dating and assembling of the Old Testament canon. By a comprehensive examination of Jewish, Christian, and secular sources, Dr. Steinmann convincingly argues that the widely […]

John J. Bombaro
Wednesday, June 13th 2007

Readers of Modern Reformation and listeners of the "White Horse Inn" radio broadcast often lament the lack of good introductory books on Reformation theology that are both readable and practical. This book treating biblical metaphors for various Gospel themes is both. Just Words sets forth in simple, yet compelling language the significance of a number […]

Kim Riddlebarger
Wednesday, June 13th 2007

“Modern Reformation has championed confessional Reformation theology in an anti-confessional and anti-theological age.”

Picture of J. Ligon Duncan, IIIJ. Ligon Duncan, IIISenior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
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