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Taking Every Thought Captive to the Obedience of Christ: Approaches in Apologetics

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One of the primary objections to apologetics within Lutheran circles this century is the critique (offered especially by Bultmann and his followers) that Luther's central conviction that a man is justified by grace through faith and his concomitant refusal to confuse Law with Gospel eliminated for him all uses of objective evidences in "defend-ing" the […]

John Warwick Montgomery
Thursday, January 1st 1998

This article will set forth several of the main theological tenets of an approach to apologetics typically labeled "presuppositionalism." That label itself can be confusing, since there are various approaches seeking to take pre-suppositions seriously and to incorporate them in their methods. E. J. Carnell, Francis Schaeffer, and many others have been aware of the […]

Kenneth Scott Oliphint
Tuesday, August 28th 2007

Anyone starting with his or her own reason and the data of creation will be inevitably drawn to conclude that God exists. One's own consciousness and reason is not only the appropriate starting point of all inquiry, it is the only conceivable starting point of any inquiry. Anyone exposed to the Christian Scriptures who has […]

Jonathan N. Gerstner
Tuesday, August 28th 2007

Suppose a stranger, let's call him David, sends you a note that declares that your wife is cheating on you. No pictures are included, no dates or times, no names. Just the assertion of your wife's unfaithfulness. You have had already fifteen good, and so far as you know, faithful years with your wife. Her […]

Kelly James Clark
Tuesday, August 28th 2007

While sometimes characterized as the "Age of Faith," the sixteenth century actually had its share of religious skeptics. When John Calvin encountered these men, he often found it necessary to provide arguments that might "shut the mouth of the obstreperous." In other words, he was not opposed to engaging in subtle arguments. At the same […]

Michael S. Horton
Tuesday, August 28th 2007

Evangelical presses continue to spill ink over postmodernism. Millard J. Erickson, Professor of Theology at Baylor University and Western Seminary in Portland, provides in this survey an otherwise undistinguished addition to that collection, were it not for one striking feature about it. Erickson's focus is on the movement that is calling itself "post-conservative" evangelicalism. The […]

John R. Muether
Tuesday, August 28th 2007

“Modern Reformation has championed confessional Reformation theology in an anti-confessional and anti-theological age.”

Picture of J. Ligon Duncan, IIIJ. Ligon Duncan, IIISenior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
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