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The Imitation of Christ

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Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven was like a field of wheat ambushed by a jealous neighbor who scattered weeds so that the resulting mess was too difficult to sort out until harvest time (Matt. 13:24ff). When the harvest came, the authentic crop, the wheat, would be distinguished from the crop of domestic terrorism, […]

Eric Landry
Friday, February 27th 2009

3. Ethics and Interpretation of the Moral Law: The Decalogue Calvin's interpretation of the Ten Commandments as ethical pillars was widely influential for generations of character development. In his discussion, he argued that this moral law was necessary; for even though man was created in God's image, natural law alone could only assist in pointing […]

David W. Hall
Friday, February 27th 2009

Sharing his priorities for the next thirty years, best-selling author Richard Foster disclosed his "spiritual formation agenda" in a January 2009 Christianity Today article. Foster observes that there is a lot of interest these days in "social-service projects." "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but where, oh where, are those who think of changing themselves?" […]

Michael S. Horton
Friday, February 27th 2009

Most of the many theologies of the cross that proliferate in our day (including those influenced by liberation theology) seem to fit this pattern [moral influence]. In them not only does revelation subsume soteriology but, so the reformers would say, law absorbs gospel. This is what happens when the crucified God is first of all […]

George Lindbeck
Friday, February 27th 2009

The term "incarnational ministry," like "missional" or "Emergent Church," is used in a wide variety of ways. Sometimes "incarnational ministry" means ministry that crosses cultural barriers to be an embodied presence to people in need. At other times, it's used to talk about culturally relevant analogies for the gospel. In still other contexts, "incarnational ministry" […]

J. Todd Billings
Friday, February 27th 2009

During my two babies’ nap-time the other day, I googled some articles on spending time with God. Among my search results was an article that seemed perfect for me at this stage in my life: “No Time for God?…How busy moms can rekindle their spiritual lives.” Just for me! The woman being interviewed urged busy […]

Kate Treick
Friday, February 27th 2009

“What would Jesus do?” Though the bracelets were influential, the question is not without controversy. Two key debates deserve mention. First, Jesus has been many things to many people, and he calls for many things from them. Jesus would free the oppressed or have a quiet time or eat with the marginalized or wash people’s […]

Michael Allen
Friday, February 27th 2009

So I get this assignment from Modern Reformation asking me to consider writing something on recovering discipleship in the local church, particularly paired with the idea of vocation. Good topic as usual. So I head off to the local evangelical bookstore to do a little reconnaissance in the "discipleship" section and find that the shelves […]

John J. Bombaro
Friday, February 27th 2009

Craig A. Carter is professor of religious studies at Tyndale University College in Toronto, Canada, and the author of Rethinking Christ and Culture: A Post-Christendom Perspective (Brazos Press, 2007). First of all, both you and D. A. Carson attempt to reexamine this idea of Christ and culture, which is the title of a book by […]

Craig Carter
Friday, February 27th 2009

This is a terrific book and is well summarized by its title. The intersecting concepts of idolatry and worship are examined in this large scale biblical theological study. Beale's core claim, "What we revere, we will resemble either for our ruin or for our restoration," aptly captures the central biblical insight about idolatry. As creatures […]

Richard Lints
G. K. Beale
Friday, February 27th 2009

Is there an objective definition of the adjective "Reformed"? Judging by current popular usage, there appear to be as many definitions as definers. What must one believe to be "Reformed"? Is the doctrine of predestination all there is? Arguably, the answer to these questions should be sought in some objective, ecclesiastical, public, authoritative summary of […]

R. Scott Clark
James T. Dennison
Friday, February 27th 2009

The Chronicles of Narnia have been a puzzle to C. S. Lewis scholars for decades. Most of them admit that the books are excellent children's stories, full of rich fantasy, memorable characters, and vivid settings. But there is a lingering concern behind the praise: What is the organizing framework? While the reader may find the […]

Jordan Easley
Friday, February 27th 2009

This is a significant and learned book. Its basic concern is the theology of Augustine and its implications for citizens seeking to live responsibly in a liberal democratic society. Before I get to Eric Gregory's argument, a few words of explanation about Augustine and "liberalism" may be helpful. As most readers of Modern Reformation know, […]

David VanDrunen
Eric Gregory
Friday, February 27th 2009

Man meets God in this fictional story of the middle-aged Mack. In the telling, Mack receives a mysterious note one winter afternoon, four years into his "Great Sadness," inviting him to the shack where his youngest daughter, Missy, was murdered after her disappearance from a family camping trip. Upon arrival, Mack encounters three people in […]

Sunny Chung
William Paul Young
Friday, February 27th 2009

“Modern Reformation has championed confessional Reformation theology in an anti-confessional and anti-theological age.”

Picture of J. Ligon Duncan, IIIJ. Ligon Duncan, IIISenior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
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