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Understanding the Conversion

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Salvador was a Cuban spy, sent to Miami as a mole in order to learn military secrets from the United States government. However, Cuban nationalists with whom Salvador associated incognito eventually led the clever spy to renounce his loyalties to Castro. As a result, Salvador turned himself in to the United States government and they […]

Michael S. Horton
Thursday, January 2nd 1992

There was a time, not too long ago, when the phrase “conversion experience” was part and parcel of popular Christian vocabulary. Though this term may have fallen into disuse of late, the concept of some type of emotional, psychological or religious “experience” marking the initiation of the believer into a relationship with Jesus Christ, remains […]

Kim Riddlebarger
Thursday, January 2nd 1992

Martin Luther was a Protestant. He was the father of Protestantism. Martin Luther was an evangelical. He defended the authority of Scripture and restored the Gospel to its central position in the church. Martin Luther was a Protestant, and an evangelical; but was he a born-again Christian? Absolutely Yes! Jesus told Nicodemus that he had […]

Rick Ritchie
Thursday, January 2nd 1992

Growing up in evangelicalism, I was one of those kids who felt mediocre at meetings where ex-drug addicts gave their “testimony” of suddenly losing their craving for LSD. My grandmother used to speak of two groups of Christians: those who were “saved” and those who were “gloriously saved.” Everything a good, clean Baptist youth is […]

Michael S. Horton
Thursday, January 2nd 1992

Dr. John Zens, pastor of Word of Life Church, Dresser, WI, and editor of Searching Together (formerly the Baptist Reformation Review). Modern Reformation: What do we mean by “conversion”? John Zens: There is a problem: we’re “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1), and therefore, have nothing on our end which can restore spiritual life. […]

John Zens
Thursday, January 2nd 1992

“To be converted to God means to believe in Christ, to believe that He is our mediator and that we have eternal life through Him.” (W 52, 617). So said Luther in a sermon in 1534. The first misconception that Luther warns us about is the notion, so common in much of what passes for […]

Richard Gilbert
Thursday, January 2nd 1992

George Whitefield George Whitefield (1714-1770) was an English evangelist and founder of Calvinistic Methodists. He followed John Wesley on a missionary journey to Georgia, and toured through various parts of colonial America, eventually parting company with Wesley over predestination, becoming the leader of Calvinists. It was of George Whitefield (1714-70) that John Wesley asked, “Has […]

Thursday, January 2nd 1992

“Modern Reformation has championed confessional Reformation theology in an anti-confessional and anti-theological age.”

Picture of J. Ligon Duncan, IIIJ. Ligon Duncan, IIISenior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
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