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Wanted: Thinking Christians

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It's not just that there's a lack of a Christian way of thinking — a "Christian mind" — but there is hardly a mind at all. Some years ago I read an article in Newsweek about a husband and wife team of scientists who studied ducks. In order to observe their habits, they built a […]

James Montgomery Boice
Saturday, July 2nd 1994

— Lincoln Barrett, in Ladies' Home Journal, cited in Gallup and Castelli: "Although 95 percent of the Americans say they believe in God, it is by no means clear that they acknowledge the God of biblical revelation, who speaks to man from beyond himself and awakens in him a sense of dependency, moral unworthiness and […]

Thursday, August 16th 2007

"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy…" (Col. 2:8) Elizabeth was a bright young Christian with a keen interest in learning. Having been recently converted, she was eager to serve the Lord and when she was led to the Scriptures by her new Christian friends, she was delighted […]

Michael S. Horton
Thursday, August 16th 2007

Many of our contemporaries, it seems, have grown increasingly sensitive about the whole enterprise of doctrinal debate. In many quarters, debate over doctrine is seen as "spiritually incorrect." The fear that unity — or at least the appearance of unity — might be somehow compromised has become a form of paranoia in many evangelical circles. […]

Kim Riddlebarger
Thursday, August 16th 2007

The well-read life was the aspiration of bygone saints. No, not the life that was read by everyone (That was usually fantastical and morbid!), but the life that was spent reading everything. For these old saints, heaven on earth was a scriptorium, where illuminated manuscripts and scrolls containing the collected knowledge, wisdom, and misinformation of […]

Rick Ritchie
Thursday, August 16th 2007

MR: Today the prevailing view is that church is boring and irrelevant. Would you be so kind as to address this?Dr. Boice: Yes, that is the prevailing view and I think it has a lot of justification. I am in a lot of churches that I find boring and irrelevant. How do you get a […]

Thursday, August 16th 2007

Drafted by Michael S. Horton, revised by R.C. Sproul The following statements of evangelical belief are offered as material for dialogue between Roman Catholics and Evangelicals, following from the recent document, "Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium," drafted by Richard John Neuhaus and Charles Colson, with others. We the undersigned […]

Michael S. Horton
Monday, October 29th 2007

“Modern Reformation has championed confessional Reformation theology in an anti-confessional and anti-theological age.”

Picture of J. Ligon Duncan, IIIJ. Ligon Duncan, IIISenior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
Magazine Covers; Embodiment & Technology