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Wish List for the 21st Century

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It is evident, from even the most casual observation, that the evangelical church of our day has shifted dramatically away from the theological moorings of our Protestant forefathers. The influence of modernity, neo-Gnosticism and Pentecostalism extend from the most conservative confessionally Reformational churches to the nonconfessional and more distant heirs of the sixteenth century Reformation. […]

Ken Jones
Sunday, January 2nd 2000

It will come as no surprise to regular readers of this magazine that my "wish list" revolves around the subject of ministry. If reformation occurs everywhere else, but not in the way we "do church," then it will not be genuine reformation. Jesus didn't found a renewal center, a small group model, a reformation coalition, […]

Michael S. Horton
Thursday, July 5th 2007

[DISCLAIMER: The following is not an argument for traditional worship. Rather, it is an appeal for biblical and Gospel worship.] Weddings are among the most festive and positive events we ever attend. Yet don’t you, like I, feel a discernible wave of sobriety at these words? “Whom therefore God hath joined together, let no man […]

Michael J. Glodo
Thursday, July 5th 2007

In a recent conversation with a national Christian media executive, I was reminded that we often shoot one another within the evan-gelical community rather than work together against the enemy. On the surface, that's a valid observation. I have felt the pain from attacks within our circles. And I'm sure I've lobbed a few finely […]

Diana S. Frazier
Thursday, July 5th 2007

"The church and the Christian should not be interested only, or even primarily, in the general social effects of salvation, but in the fact that men and women should be brought nearer to God, and should live for his glory. When the church gives the world the impression that she is interested in revival only […]

Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Thursday, July 5th 2007

1 We wish for an end to the harmful battle between systematic theology and biblical theology. The system must arise from the text, and individual texts must be interpreted in light of the entire canon. 2 We wish that a new reformation would sweep away the reactionary conservative-liberal way of thinking, and replace it with […]

Thursday, July 5th 2007

The "information age" is the answer, we're told. But what was the question? It surely wasn't: "How can I learn to be more patient and kind?" Nor was it: "When will people stop moving around so much? When will friendships again last longer than a car lease?" Don't misunderstand me: Impersonal, widely available information obviously […]

Benjamin E. Sasse
Thursday, July 5th 2007

One of the essential evangelical institutions, the National Association of Evangelicals, has a new president. As such, we thought it might be useful to speak with Kevin Mannoia about the diverse coalition that he helps lead. We wanted to see if we could arrive at greater clarity about what an "evangelical" is, and where the […]

Thursday, July 5th 2007

The wake of the Clinton impeachment left a number of casualties, including distortions of Scripture and standards of morality. In response, 140 theologians and ethicists signed a two-page statement-the "Declaration Concerning Religion, Ethics, and the Crisis in the Clinton Presidency"- which addressed the misuse of religion in politics. The substance of this book is a […]

Thomas Fawell
Thursday, July 5th 2007

Calvin said a true understanding of Romans would open the door to all of the most profound treasures of Scripture. This book, which is part of the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, aims at helping its readers to gain such an understanding. This series, under the general editorship of Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor Moiss […]

Mark R. Talbot
Thursday, July 5th 2007

This book is written primarily for college and seminary students, but except for its first chapter it does not read like a textbook and so it should be useful to many. As Paul House observes, it can no longer be assumed that Christians know their Bibles. And so he has tried to write a book […]

Mark R. Talbot
Thursday, July 5th 2007

"Christian doctrine has a poor name, even among Christians. It is regarded as boring, divisive and irrelevant. Such a reputation, however, is a tragedy which impoverishes the churches and hinders their witness to the world. I have written this short book to describe the essence of doctrine and to show its importance and usefulness." With […]

David White
Thursday, July 5th 2007

We face many important questions today that need answers: How does God respond to the repeated sin of his people? What is at the heart of idolatry? How should we deal with the suffering we face? Just how much control does God have over what happens in the world? Questions like these were just as […]

Steve Matlak
Thursday, July 5th 2007

“Modern Reformation has championed confessional Reformation theology in an anti-confessional and anti-theological age.”

Picture of J. Ligon Duncan, IIIJ. Ligon Duncan, IIISenior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
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