
Earthly Prospects Deceitful

John Newton
Monday, May 13th 2024
An hourglass in front of a dark blue night sky with moon and stars.
May/Jun 2024

Oft in vain the voice of truth,
Solemnly and loudly warns;
Thoughtless, unexperienced youth,
Though it hears, the warning scorns:
Youth in fancy’s glass surveys
Life prolonged to distant years,
While the vast, imagined space
Filled with sweets and joys appears.

Grace alone can cure our ills,
Sweeten life, with all its cares;
Regulate our stubborn wills,
Save us from surrounding snares:
Though you oft have heard in vain,
Former years in folly spent;
Grace invites you yet again,
Once more calls you to repent.

Called again, at length, beware,
Hear the Saviour’s voice and live;
Lest he in his wrath should swear,
He no more will warning give:
Pray that you may hear and feel,
Ere the day of grace be past;
Lest your hearts grow hard as steel,
Or this year should prove your last.

Monday, May 13th 2024

“Modern Reformation has championed confessional Reformation theology in an anti-confessional and anti-theological age.”

Picture of J. Ligon Duncan, IIIJ. Ligon Duncan, IIISenior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
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