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In View Of God's Mercies

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"The first Reformation was about doctrine; the second one needs to be about behavior," best-selling author Rick Warren told a congress of the Baptist World Alliance last year. "We need a reformation not of creeds but deeds." Throughout the speech, as reported on the group's website, Pastor Warren announced that a new movement is underway […]

Michael S. Horton
Thursday, November 2nd 2006

Section 2. Christian liberty seems to me to consist of three parts. First, the consciences of believers, while seeking the assurance of their justification before God, must rise above the law, and think no more of obtaining justification by it. For while the law, as has already been demonstrated(supra, chap. 17, sec. 1), leaves not […]

John Calvin
Wednesday, May 2nd 2007

Christian faith has appeared to many an easy thing; nay, not a few even reckon it among the social virtues, as it were; and this they do because they have not made proof of it experimentally, and have never tasted of what efficacy it is. For it is not possible for any man to write […]

Martin Luther
Wednesday, May 2nd 2007

Paul's primary concern about the civil authority in Romans 13 is that believers subject themselves to it. He opens with the basic imperative to "be in subjection" and provides a series of arguments for it, based upon both the command of God and prudential concerns. Most remarkable is what Paul doesn't say. Not a word […]

Brian J. Lee
Wednesday, May 2nd 2007

Between May 2005 and May 2006, nearly 2,000 Chinese house church pastors and Christians were arrested. Though most of them were released after international pressure was applied, many Chinese Christians today are still serving in labor camps. My wife and I have also suffered persecution. When we were arrested in 1996 because of "illegal evangelism" […]

Bob Fu
Wednesday, May 2nd 2007

What good is theology in the mind if that is where it ends? If in thinking through the revelation of God (the Bible) it stays in our heads and doesn't pass through to the heart unto the hands and feet, how will anyone know it has affected us? The mouth is not a sufficient instrument; […]

Randy Nabors
Wednesday, May 2nd 2007

Nothing expresses the heart of Christianity like the Kyrie. It was the cry of blind Bartimaeus, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" (Mark 10:47). It was the prayer of the justified publican and the last prayer of John Murray, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner!" (Luke 18:13). The Bible makes clear that […]

William H. Smith
Wednesday, May 2nd 2007

Within the Anglican context in which I serve, we are constantly offered up an insight from Romans 14, as the antidote to "fundamentalism." "Fundamentalism" is the word that liberal opponents of our evangelical school of thought within the church use to label our position. The stock argument deployed against theological conservatives in First-World Anglicanism is […]

Paul F. M. Zahl
Wednesday, May 2nd 2007

When I go into a restaurant, the waitress who brings me my meal, the cook in the back who prepared it, the delivery men, the wholesalers, the workers in the food-processing factories, the butchers, the farmers, the ranchers, and everyone else in the economic food chain are all being used by God to “give [me] […]

Gene Edward Veith
Wednesday, May 2nd 2007

Dr. McGrath, how would you describe the spirituality of Evangelicalism?Well, I think that one word that does come to mind is this: rootless. What I mean is, evangelicals do seem to be searching for enhanced spiritual depth to their lives, but they seem to be doing so in a very random way, and there is […]

Wednesday, May 2nd 2007

In a publishing world where there is no shortage of books about the biblical creation account, especially from the early chapters of Genesis, add one more from P & R publishing by Old Testament Professor C. John Collins at Covenant Theological Seminary (St. Louis, MS). This book differs from many other recent books on creation: […]

Bryan D. Estelle
Wednesday, May 2nd 2007

Michael Horton has written a unique book that is a thoughtful mixture of spiritual autobiography, biblical exposition, devotional meditation, and theological/cultural critique. The author's struggles with a terminally ill father and a mother suffering concurrently from a debilitating stroke prompts some probing reflections about the quality of true faith and the nature of divine providence. […]

Gillis Harp
Wednesday, May 2nd 2007

As created male and female, all of us are sexual beings with various seasons of sexual expression. Whether single, married, divorced, widowed, sick, healthy, young, or old, all of us are to engage in chastity as a spiritual discipline over the course of our lives. According to the number of singles in my counseling office, […]

Shannon B. Geiger
Wednesday, May 2nd 2007

In his book Shepherds After My Own Heart, Timothy Laniak provides in-depth exegetical examination of the pastoral leadership theme throughout Scripture. Laniak, associate professor of Old Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina, marshals a wide number of texts to help transform the perspective of pastors and ministry leaders in a number of […]

Sean Michael Lucas
Wednesday, May 2nd 2007

Is marriage on the decline in Western culture? It would seem so given the number of books on singleness that have appeared on bookstore shelves in recent years. Could we be harkening back to Jeremiah's day when the absence of marriage was a sign of the times, more specifically, the decline of the times? "For […]

Lydia Brownback
Wednesday, May 2nd 2007

“Modern Reformation has championed confessional Reformation theology in an anti-confessional and anti-theological age.”

Picture of J. Ligon Duncan, IIIJ. Ligon Duncan, IIISenior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
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